East County Village Seniors
Proposed Agenda General
Check-In (10 minutes)
Welcome and introductions, if any
Updates and announcements
Stronger Memory Program (45 minutes)
Review of the Last Week (5 minutes)
Open discussion: How did everyone find the exercises?
Share any challenges or successes
Short Lecture on This Week’s Topic (5 minutes)
Key points
Exercise/Demonstration (5 minutes)
Activity: Guided exercise on the topic designed to stimulate participation
Journal Prompt (10 minutes)
Select and read a relevant journal question
Allow time for writing
Volunteer Sharing (20 minutes)
Volunteers read their journal entries aloud to the group
Encourage supportive and positive feedback
Wrap-Up and Next Steps (5 minutes)
Summarize key takeaways from the session
Announce next meeting date and any upcoming events
Farewell and thank you for participating
SM & Aging Well Together

Week 6 (halfway thru) this 12-week session of Stronger Memory

Stronger Memory Orientation Program